Susan Serra, CKD, certified kitchen designer provides kitchen design services, e-design, kitchen design consulting with an emphasis on aesthetics and function throughout the design process
"the kitchen is the place where all five senses reside"
Our essential ingredients for thoughtful kitchen design are intelligent design, your personal aesthetic & soul.
3 Ways To Get Expert Kitchen Design Advice:
Hourly Video Consulting - It’s amazing just how much you can learn in an hour! You will receive:
Multiple, smart design solutions
Comprehensive pre-consultation analysis of your kitchen
Areas of concern you may not have recognized
Specific wellness-focused design advice
Recommendations for luxury, budget (or in-between) design ideas and products
It’s a productive, friendly, positive conversation where pros and cons of design options are shared in a positive way
All of the above balanced with solid feedback based on your specific needs.
It’s about clarity
$349 for one hour
On site Long Island appointments $400 30 mile radius
Phase I - You Will Receive:
Preliminary plans (usually 5+)
Windows, doors, appliance locations, multiple dining options, moving walls where called for and countertop distribution
Time spent designing your kitchen in my truly unique method allows the focus to be on the 3 most important design elements without visual distraction: movement, function and aesthetics
Intelligent design solutions drawn to scale can then be viewed and compared one to the other
This service is critical to becoming aware of all viable plans that suit your space and is a foundation for the details that follow
Price dependent upon size/scope of kitchen $1500 - $3500
Phase II - You Will Receive:
All of Phase I services plus
Fully dimensioned floorplan
Specific cabinet designations and inserts
Design discussions (color, finishes, materials, products)
Changes as required
Project website for our discussions, images, docs, etc.
Fully dimensioned elevations and NEW(!) photorealistic images
Price dependent upon size/scope of kitchen $6000+ (Phase I cost to be deducted if service was previously performed)
From J.V./Florida: Everything is beautiful, and I'm ready to finish the kitchen finally. Your ideas are amazing. I'm excited and so happy to have found you! I could never have done this without you! This is my dream kitchen. You were the one that took me in this direction and got me out of my comfort (white kitchen) to figure out what I wanted. I can't thank you enough for your patience. You have been outstanding, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. You have the patience of a saint. I've been all over the map, narrowing down what I'd like for my kitchen, and you have stuck with me. I'm surprised you didn't quit a few times :)I love your attention to detail and ideas.
FROM A.E./ILLINOIS: I am waving the white flag of surrender! This is costing me so much unnecessary stress and time. I was trying to save money and work on the details myself, but I have had it. I am having to do way too much research and planning. So I told my husband that we are spending $300,000 on this project, it needs a designer or it is going to get messed up. (yep, threw down the gauntlet) So this is where you come in... please help. Save me from cardiac arrest. Rant over. Feel better now. later: Everybody (including friends and tradesmen) loves the oval and tile and is like WOW. I REALLY like working in it, especially the baking area with everything right there in the drawers. You did such a wonderful job laying it out. And the difference in the amount of light is huge. NEEDLESS TO SAY WE LOVE IT! Thank you once again. I know it may sound cheesy, but you're my lighthouse in this renovation storm! :)
FROM L.B./Massachusetts: I so appreciate all of the wonderful help you've given me since early May. And I very much like you as a person and think you're a talented hard-working designer. You have been enormously helpful, as I've stated before. Plus, your knowledge is off the charts. You kept me from making some very expensive mistakes! Also, working with you, forced me to hone in on specifics that needed to be done. So, thank you!
FROM O.V./CALIFORNIA: Susan, Thanks very much, love the attention to detail! … Thanks for your most recent round of renderings. We reviewed everything, and no surprise, Susan was right all along … Susan thank you so much. You’re incredible. I really really appreciate what you’ve done. Wow, spectacular … Thanks very much! Will review in detail, including walk through of dining room with actual furniture in place to get a feel for flow, this weekend … Thanks for thinking of us, and I like the creative, think-outside-the-box approach!
from k.b./NYC, new york: With these old spaces and the prohibition on wet over dry, it is such a puzzle fitting the pieces together. So glad to have your great help. Thank you. These look great! I’m so excited!
FROM V.E./PENNSYLVANIA: OMGGGGGG I am sooooooo excited!!!!!!!!! Wow some of these are so out of the box. I can't even .....you're a genius. Do you want to review together or want me to send comments first? I cannot wait to play with this more, tell me how you prefer to do that. Phew - soooo many awesome ideas to think about. I'm rambling but that's cause I'm stunned, soooo cool. More to come. Sitting with it. You rock!!!
FROM L.N./FLORIDA: We really like where you are going! Susan, we love that you question everything!!! Thanks!!! Susan, I'm really thrilled at the progress we're making. I am so grateful to be working with you! You are a real pro and it shows!
from a.s./massachusetts: Yes! Love it! So symmetrical and space optimizing! Thank you! It looks great!! I'm very happy with these designs.